more guitar, keyboard, and we might need your help...
tracked my keyboards and almost done with guitars.
keys are recorded midi into Reason 4 with stock libraries and the Abbey Roads Keyboard refill. the challen piano and the hamond organ in that pack is unbelievable… re-wire that back into pro tools. maybe i’ll re-amp some of this through some pre’s or other outboard gear if it needs something to glue it to the mix, we’ll see.
for my guitars i messed around with so many odd ball placements i nearly pulled my hair out. eventually came back to a very similar setup to what we did for Derek’s. Cascade FatHead II edge of the dust cover and this time a 57 half way from the edge of the cone to the dust cover. both on axis, both into my golden age Pre73’s. i wish i had some inline HPF for the ribbon mike, it’s picking up some sub information that i need to filter out…but the pre73 doesn’t have a filter and it has this detail in the mid range that my other pre’s just didn’t.
(there’s more)
check back tomorrow night for a special thing we need your input on. YES YOU! more to come in the near-to-now…